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Webb Lake Community Club sponsors the Know Your Nonprofit Expo

Webb Lake Community Club, for the second year in a row, is sponsoring the Know Your Nonprofit Expo set for October 17, 2024. This generous grant from Webb Lake allows NACF to offer table space at the Expo free of charge to our nonprofits!

The Expo will be co-hosted by 100 Women Who Care/Polk Burnett and will take place at the Zhashagiins Event Center in Siren.

This event is open to the public. It's an opportunity for both local nonprofits and the public to come together to get to know each other.

If you're looking for volunteer opportunities or a chance to help guide a nonprofit, almost all nonprofits need your help. Some need volunteers, some need board members. All need money to support their good works.

JOIN US on October 17th from 5-7. Show your support for your local community by learning more about the many organizations that serve needs locally and how you can help!

NONPROFITS! You must pre-register by emailing your name and contact information to

NACF in the News

Why Am I on the Board?

March 15, 2022

By:  Jennifer Turrentine Nonprofits exist through the hard work of an executive director, a staff, a board, many volunteers and generous donors.  We understand that the director runs day-to-day operations with the help (perhaps) of staff, and we know that the majority of nonprofits in our area would fade away if not for the many…

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Graduation Day

February 17, 2022

NACF NOTES Column, Intercounty Leader, May 26, 2021 Did you know May is Foster Care Awareness Month?  May is traditionally associated with graduations, parties, and well-meant, but usually unsolicited advice on further education and career choices.  Most graduates are supported by family as they take the next steps in their lives – however, many teens…

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NACF Presents $7,000 to Area Schools

December 12, 2020

Fall, 2020 With the ongoing challenges due to COVID-19, the Northwest Alliance Community Foundation (NACF) took a different approach to our Fall Grant cycle. In response to our outreach to the 7 local school districts in our giving area, NACF donated $1,000 to each of these school districts for the purpose of helping teachers and students…

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NACF founder Renee Nanez steps down as board chair

October 21, 2020
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Let’s Work Together to Strengthen Our Community

August 26, 2020

NACF ACTIVITIES DURING COVID Social distancing, no large group events – the COVID guidelines have caused NACF to think outside its usual scope of activities these past months.  Beyond the housekeeping tasks of updating policies and refining procedures – similar to stay-at-home chores of cleaning closets and kitchen cupboards – the board has continued to…

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