
NACF awards grants in the spring and fall to nonprofit organizations in northern Polk and Burnett counties. 

Competitive Grants, considered by NACF, are generally awarded to 501(c)(3) nonprofit groups or other tax-exempt organizations. Requests for funds to support religious or political activities are not eligible. Some grant guidelines include:

  • No more than one grant will be awarded per organization per year.
  • Funds are granted for future expenses.
  • Grants will be screened, evaluated and presented to the NACF Board for approval. As an affiliate of the St. Croix Valley Foundation (SCVF), all final grantees must also be approved by the SCVF Board.
  • Applicants must submit a completed NACF grant application during the open grant cycle along with a copy of the organization’s letter of tax-exemption.
  • Applications will be evaluated on clearly stated organizational mission, project goals and management of funds, and evidence that the project addresses a clear need in our community.

The experience and knowledge gained from completing the project can be helpful for others embarking on similar endeavors. Therefore, NACF asks that grantees provide a brief assessment of your project’s strengths and challenges through a final report. You may direct any other questions and/or send your completed report to


NACF began offering grant opportunities in fall of 2016 and has awarded more than $150,000 to date.  Founded in 2013, NACF is a regional, grass-roots organization serving northern Polk and Burnett Counties.  NACF empowers people by providing learning opportunities, building financial resources, meeting community needs, awarding nonprofit grants, and helping individuals and families to leave a legacy.  NACF is an affiliate of the St. Croix Valley Foundation.  

Testimonials from Grant Recipients


Thank you sincerely for awarding the Luck Public Library $2,600 to fund our Chair Yoga Program. We are thrilled to add another health initiative to our line up. We truly believe in healthy aging and that the first step is making the commitment to ourselves. The second step is just as important; to have affordable access. You made that possible!

Thanks so much for awarding the Frederic Community Education $1,250 in grant money for investing in our scheduled 'Balancing it Out' program for area Seniors. We are very grateful that we can offer this valuable opportunity at an affordable rate in hopes to reach many Seniors who are interested in enhancing their health & wellness. I will keep you posted. Thanks again!


Grant History

Fall 2024

Category: Nurturing Strength and Wellbeing in our Communities

West Denmark Woodland School Playground for a new daycare program based on the Forest School Model Youth
Youth of Burnett Co Prevention Coalition Incentives to attend the Youth Substance Misuse Prevention Community Event Youth
Burnett Co Family Resource Center Support of its Family Strengthening Programs Youth
Workforce Resource Funding to help youth aging out of foster care find safe and stable housing Youth

Spring 2024

Category: Mental Health in conjunction with SCVF Vibrant Communities Grant

Northwest Passage Grant to launch PassageWay, a mental health digital hub Mental Health
Endeavors Adult Development Center Trips to area nature sites; handicapped garden boxes for participants at the center Mental Health
St Croix Falls School District Training retreat for students/advisors to become peer advisors Mental Health
Webster School District Staff and student mental health wellness initiative Mental Health

Fall 2023 

Category: Health and Wellness for Seniors (65+)

Aging and Disability Resource Center of Northwest Wisconsin To develop the Burnett County Central Kitchen for meal preparation/delivery
Frederic School District For the Balancing It Out senior fitness program
Friends of the Gandy Dancer State Trail For help purchasing two pedal assist E-bike trishaw to provide recreational activity for Frederic nursing home & assisted living residents
Interfaith Caregivers of Burnett County For continuing to provide wheelchair ramps
Interfaith Caregivers of Polk County For general operating expenses
Larsen Family Public Library, To partner with ADRC for pop-up libraries at meal sites and sending library materials with meal deliveries
Luck Public Library For chair yoga classes for seniors
Webster Senior Citizens For installation of a handicapped access door at the Senior Center


Spring 2023 

Category:  Mental Health, in conjunction with SCVF Vibrant Communities Grants

Community Referral Agency Mental health program for clients/staff from child therapist specializing in child play/art therapy
Endeavors Adult Development Center Mental health first aid staff training to identify/assist people in mental distress
We Support Recovery Moral Reconation Therapy intervention for reducing risk of recidivism in Polk Co Jail inmates


Fall 2022

Category:  Environmental Grant

Wild River Conservancy Hiring staff to recruit and match volunteers to watershed projects


Spring 2022

Category:  Mental Health, in conjunction with SCVF Vibrant Communities Grants

Domestic Animal Wellness Center Provide pet wellness care for clients who cannot afford the costs
Endeavors Adult Development Center Develop a sensory mental health area for crisis de-escalation and/or prevention
Friends of Larsen Famiy Library Purchase materials on mental health for the community
Grantsburg School District Suicide prevention and mental health intervention training
Webster School District Building resilience and self-care in Webster school staff through training and activities


Fall 2021

Category:  Environmental Fund

Farm Table Foundation Cooked2Serve food project
Farm Table Foundation Farm Table programs


Fall 2021

Category:  Education

Mental Health Task Force of Polk County Training to provide suicide prevention education in 5 school districts
Softec Pay for trainee chemical assessments as a step to obtaining valid drivers


Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity Summer day cams to introduce girls to skilled trades
Friends of Larsen Famiy Library Environment focused books to area day care centers


Spring 2021

Category:  Mental Health, in conjunction with SCVF Vibrant Communities Grants

Caring Hearts Thrift Shop Mental Health
Webster School District Mental Health
Interfaith Caregivers of Polk County Mental Health
Kinship of Polk County Mental Health


Fall 2020

These were not competitive grants, rather, awarded directly to schools.
Category: COVID-19

Grantsburg School District To create and support safe learning environments
Siren School District To create and support safe learning environments
Webster School District To create and support safe learning environments
Frederic School District To create and support safe learning environments
Luck School District To create and support safe learning environments
Unity School District To create and support safe learning environments
St Croix Falls School District To create and support safe learning environments


From the NACF Environmental Fund

Clam Falls Flowage Lake Association To work on protecting the flowage lake

Spring 2020

Categories: Literacy; Transportation; Youth & Families

Grantsburg Community Education STAR mentorship program Fall 2020-21
Interfaith Caregivers of Burnett Co Help local families with utility expenses
Mental Health Task Force Polk Co Community training/Building Resiliency in Youth
Salvation Army Assist foster youth aging out of system to find
stable housing


From the NACF Environmental Fund

Northwest Passage Limited Bike storage shelter for Riverside campus.

Fall 2019

Categories: Youth & Families

Burnett Co Workforce Resource Mentors to work with foster youth

Spring 2019

Categories: Environment; Youth & Families

Interfaith Caregivers of Burnett Co Help families with utilities costs
Burnett Co Family Literacy Budgeting materials for tutoring
Wild Rivers Habitat for Humanity Support Home Repairs Program


From the NACF Environmental Fund

Friends of Gandy Dancer Bikes for loan by Luck Public Library
Burnett Co Family Resource Center 4th annual Fun & Fit Families program
Northwest Passage Limited Ten bikes for use with adolescent programs

Spring 2018

Categories: Health & Wellness; Education & Literacy; Youth & Families

Grantsburg Public Library New seating for refurbished children’s space
Yellow Lake Food Distribution Food to distribute to 1,650 people each month
Friends of the Frederic Library Bikes, helmets to ride the Gandy Dancer Trail
Connections Store & More Food Shelf Vouchers for holiday hams and turkeys


From the NACF Environmental Fund

Northwest Passage Limited 4 scholarships to Master Naturalist Training

Fall 2018

Categories: Environment; Arts; Education & Literacy

Frederic Arts Establish art program for residents of Traditions
Burnett Co Workforce Resource Instructors for culinary academies
Burnett Co 4-H Start archery/shooting sports program ages 8-19
Mental Health Task Force Polk Co Suicide prevention training
Tracey Nooner grants 2018-001

Tracey Nooner presents a grant to Frederic Arts: $750.  Establish an arts program for residents of Traditions of Frederic.

Carole Wondra grants 2018-001

Carole Wondra presents a grant to Tom Brock from the Mental Health Task Force of Polk County, $816. Suicide prevention training.

1-Patti Hurd grants 2018

Patti Hurd presents a grant to the Burnett County 4-H, $750.  Start an archery shooting sports program for ages 8-19.

Spring 2017

Category: Proceeds from the NACF Fundraising Campaign in support of local food shelves

Family Pathways, Frederic Food
Grantsburg Area Food Shelf Food
Home and Away Ministries, Siren Food
Indianhead Community Action Agency Food

Spring 2017

Categories: Education & Literacy; Youth & Families; Environment

Friends of Larsen Family Public Library Books to day care centers Siren, Webster, Danbury
Burnett Co Family Literacy Expand early childhood literacy program
St Croix Festival Theatre Arts centered summer day camps Burnett/Polk Co
Farm, Feral, & Stray Spay/neuter and rabies vaccinations for 25 cats


From the NACF Environmental Fund

Burnett Co Family Resource Center Pedometers for Summer Fun & Fit Families program
Ice Age National Trail Local chapter
Lake Country Pedalers Biking trails/bike-in camping on Burnett Co parcel
Frederic Arts Classes with elements of the natural environment

Fall 2017

Categories: Health & Wellness; Education & Literacy; Youth & Families

Siren School District Keyboard, ukuleles, after school music
Endeavors Adult Development Center Tabletops for growing tomatoes
Burnett Co Drug & Alcohol Court GED support
Grantsburg Area Food Shelf Vouchers for fresh fruit & vegetables


From the NACF Environmental Fund

Domestic Animal Wellness Center Educational marketing about wildlife services
Burnett Co Forest and Parks Signage fat bike/skijorking trail in Timberland Hills

Fall 2016

Categories: Health & Wellness; Education & Literacy; Youth & Families

Community Referral Agency General operating costs/services
ICAA Head Start Purchase new books for their library
Salvation Army Food for backpacks for families reduced/free lunch
Aging and Disability Resource Center Marketing materials for dementia-friendly summit